Our Grade 5 Long Division with No Remainder worksheets focus on dividing larger numbers by various divisors where the division results in a whole number with no remainder. These exercises help students master long division and build confidence in solving division problems accurately.
Our Grade 5 Long Division with 2-Digit Divisor worksheets guide students through the process of dividing larger numbers by two-digit divisors. These exercises help develop proficiency in long division, reinforcing key skills in handling more complex division problems.
Our Grade 5 Division by 1-Digit Number with Remainder worksheets provide practice in dividing larger numbers by single-digit numbers, where the results include a remainder. These exercises help students strengthen their division skills and enhance their understanding of how to handle remainders in calculations.
Our Grade 5 ‘Finding Prime Factors’ worksheets provide students with practice in breaking down numbers into their prime factors, helping them develop a strong understanding of multiplication, division, and number theory.