Grade 5 - Math Worksheets

Rounding to the nearest 100’s

Rounding to the Nearest 100’s worksheets help students practice rounding numbers to the nearest hundred. These exercises focus on identifying the hundreds place and determining whether to round up or down based on the digit in the tens place. This practice strengthens students’ understanding of place value and improves their ability to round numbers efficiently.

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Rounding to the nearest 10 worksheets

Rounding to the Nearest 10 worksheets provide practice in rounding numbers to the nearest ten. These exercises help students identify the tens place and determine whether to round up or down based on the ones place. This reinforces their understanding of place value and improves their skills in rounding numbers accurately.

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Mixed Rounding Number Worksheets

Mixed Rounding Number worksheets offer students practice in rounding numbers to various place values, such as the nearest 10, 100, or 1,000. These exercises challenge students to apply their understanding of place value and rounding rules across different levels, enhancing their flexibility and accuracy in rounding numbers in diverse scenarios.

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Missing Place Value from a 6-digit number

Missing Place Value from a 6-Digit Number worksheets focus on identifying and filling in the missing digits in a six-digit number based on their place value. These exercises help students strengthen their understanding of place value and enhance their ability to work with large numbers accurately.

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Build 6-digit number – Place Value Worksheets

Build 6-Digit Number – Place Value worksheets help students understand and practice constructing six-digit numbers by placing digits in the correct place value positions. These exercises reinforce knowledge of place value concepts and improve students’ ability to work with large numbers.

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Build 6-digit number – Place Value Worksheets

Build 6-Digit Number – Place Value worksheets help students understand and practice constructing six-digit numbers by placing digits in the correct place value positions. These exercises reinforce knowledge of place value concepts and improve students’ ability to work with large numbers.

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